Saturday, September 22, 2012

County Leadership Changes!

Over the next 13+ months Essex County will undergo major changes in government leadership.

 The recent retirement of County Administrator David Whitlow will be filled on an interim basis while a search for a new Chief Administrative Officer is conducted.  The Superintendent of Schools, who received an early contract extension and a pay raise, just announced the he was resigning on or before December 17, 2012. The School Board announced that they must employ a new Superintendent within 180 days and the search process is underway.

The School Board will hold a public meeting on Monday 24 September at 7:00 PM in the School Board Complex to discuss the search and transition process.  ESO urges all registered voters, especially our teachers, to attend the meeting.

The Board of Supervisors appointed Bill Pennel, retired County Administrator of Lancaster County, as the Interim County Administrator.  Mr. Pennel had a distinguished record of accomplishments in Lancaster County.

 There are also a number of rumors about who will or won't run for the Board of Supervisors and the  School Board in 2013.  Our Essex County General Registrar Larnie Flannagan confirmed  both the North District and the Greater Tappahannock will be on the 2013 Ballot for both boards as will the At Large Seat for the School Board.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Tie-Breaker Needed?

Oz Bell recently contacted ESO to point out that with a four person Board of Supervisors, there is no means to resolve a tie.  There have been occasions when the the Board split 2 to 2 thereby causing the motion to fail.  (In keeping with ESO policy, Mrs. Bell permitted her name to be published.)

The Code of Virginia, 15.2-1421,  provides for the election of a tie-breaker as an at-large position who would only vote in the event of a tie.  It appears that the Board of Supervisors would have to initiate the establishment of a Tie-Breaker elected position.

There are several questions that would have to be researched.  Does the General Assembly have to enact legislation to permit Essex County to establish the position?  Would the position be compensated?  What amount?  Do the voters in Essex County want to establish a new position?

Let ESO know your opinion.  More importantly, contact the Supervisor for your district and let them know your opinion.

John Clickener

Teacher and Staff Turnover Examined

Several people have contacted ESO with questions about the turnover in teachers and staff within Essex County Public Schools.  To determine the facts, ESO issued a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request to the Superintended and President of the School Board.  We asked for 5 years data in three major categories: Teachers and Aides, Supervisory Staff, and Central Office Staff.

The original estimate for research and copying was 2 hours.  However, the research, compilation of data, and copying took 7 hours.  Apparently the Human Resources Management function within the School System does not have a searchable data base.  Responding to ESO’s FOIA request required an employee to review manual records to determine personnel losses and the reasons for leaving the School System.

Taxpayers, ESO reimbursed the School System for the actual billed hours.  While this information should be readily available, we don’t believe that the taxpayers should have to pay for an opportunity to review the facts.

We leave the interpretation you, our readers.  Clearly there was an exceptional turnover during the 2007 to 2008 School Year.  The turnover in both 2010 to 2011 and 2011 to 2012 appears to be high.

We would welcome comments for both current Public School employees and retirees/former employees regarding the number reported about and the underlying reasons for the periods of high turnover.  If you wish to remain anonymous, ESO WILL NOT disclose your name or contact information.  Please remember that you can be a part of our effort bring Sunshine into Essex County but sharing information and asking questions.
John Clickener