The Board touched on the issue of who the Deputy County Administrator reports to at a recent Board meeting when they discussed the draft County Personnel Manual. The organization chart was mentioned, specifically who the Assistant/Deputy County Administrator was to report to. The draft chart apparently had the position report to the County Administrator .
Although the Board initially appeared to agree, it suddenly went into closed session regarding that issue. When they returned to open session it was announced that more work would be done on the organization chart. The minutes of that meeting are not posted on the County Government web site.
Why was the topic of the County Organization Chart discussed in a closed meeting? The Essex County Government organization chart does not appear to be an authorized exemption from the Virginia "Open Meeting Law", specifically § 2.2-3712 et al.
Directly regarding the position of the formerly titled Assistant County Administrator, recently changed to the Deputy County Administrator, there are a number of questions that SHOULD be answered by the Board of Supervisors:
Why was the position title changed?
When was the position title changed?
Were the salary and benefits changed? If so, were they included in the 2012-2013 Budget?
Why was the position of Assistant and the now Deputy County Administrator an appointment by the Board of Supervisors?
When was the original appointment as Assistant County Administrator first made?
Why does the Board of Supervisors, a legislative and policy body, supervise an operational and administrative position subordinate to the County Administrator ?
Is there any precedence in any other Virginia locality for this very unusual organizational structure where the Assistant/Deputy to the chief administrative officer reports to Board of Supervisors?
Is the appointment of either an Assistant County Administrator or Deputy County Administrator authorized by the Code of Virginia?
Doesn't the appointment of the Deputy County Administrator conflict with the Code of Virginia Sections § 15.2-1540, § 15.2-1541, and § 15.2-1541.1?
Doesn't Section § 15.2-1540, subparagraph 7 specifically state that the County Administrator shall "Appoint all officers and employees of the locality, except as he may authorize the head of an office, department and board responsible …?
Is there a contract for the position? After all, it is an appointment!
What is the term of the contract? One year? Three years? Life?
Who does the position report to? It appears that the position reports to and works for the Board of Supervisors rather than the County Administrator ?
Have annual performance reviews been prepared annually since the date the position was first filled?
Who wrote the performance reviews for the Assistant County Administrator in the past?
Who is now responsible for writing the performance reviews for the Deputy County Administrator Position?
Open Government and transparency are better served when sunshine illuminates the staffing policies and procedures of the Essex County Government and all the questions are answered.
John R. Clickener