On 31 September ESO received an e-mail from "Concerned Citizen" with the e-mail address <againstessex@(omitted)> reporting the possible wrongful personal use of an Essex County Vehicle. ESO is not part of the County Administration nor does it have law enforcement authority. ESO does oppose waste, fraud, and abuse and believes that all the County Ordinances, Policies, Regulations and other tools of responsible management should be easily accessible (available on the internet and in print at the library) to all the citizens of Essex County. Unfortunately, we didn't find a policy.
The new County Administrator found that there are both an old and a new policy. The old policy is primarily an administrative document dealing with titles, accidents, tags and insurance, etc. and doesn't seem to prescribe who, when, and how county vehicles may be used. The new policy is explicit as to who, when, and how county officials and employees may use county vehicles. It also encompasses the use of all motorized equipment, including construction equipment. Finally, it incorporates a safe driving program to ensure that vehicle and equipment operators are properly licensed.
This vehicle and equipment policies consolidate and will be coordinated with the new Essex County Personnel Policy Manual which will soon be published. The final version will be proposed to the Board of Supervisors for Adoption/Readopt ion in the next few months.
Back to the report by "Concerned Citizen." The best way to initiate an inquiry about a possible waste, fraud, or abuse complaint is to immediately notify the County Administrator.
Specifically, regarding Essex County owned vehicles, other than those assigned to the Sheriff's Department and the School Board, there are only four county positions who have "Take Home" dedicated vehicles for Official Use. They are: The Building and Zoning Official, the Maintenance Supervisor, the EMS Chief, and the Emergency Management Supervisor. There are also occasions where it may be deemed that the use of a county vehicle for travel to meetings, training, conferences, etc. may be more cost effective than paying mileage for the use of a personal vehicle. If so, the County Administrator may approve such use or may delegate that authority to a Department Supervisor.
ESO looks forward to the time when all County Ordinances, Policies, Instructions, budgets,etc. will be current and easily accessible an Essex County comprehensive web site and in print at our Public Library
John R. Clickener