Our new County Administrator, William (Bill) Pennell has identified issues and initiated projects to bring the sunshine into Essex County Government. ESO has learned that he has made an assessment of the digital communications capabilities of Essex County and is developing plans to enhance the speed and functionality of the system using already existing technology. He is also committed to providing more information and better content using a greatly improved web presence. He also, for apparently the first time, posted a County Position Announcement on the County Web Page.
Other areas being considered include greater transparency and public involvement in the annual budget development, clarification and improvement in the county government organizational structure, updating, codification and improving accessibility of the Essex County Ordinances, policies, position descriptions, and other information that should be in the public domain.
EssexSunshine.Org recognizes that this will take time and appreciates Mr. Pennell's commitment to open government and transparency. As a highly successful County Administrator in Lancaster County he understood that openness reduces costs and promotes efficiency. Please see the August 16 posting by retired Mathews County Administrator Steve Whiteway regarding his view of the benefits of open government.
We congratulate the Board of Supervisors on selecting an exceptional seasoned individual to serve Essex County as our Interim County Administrator.
We wish Bill Pennell the very best in fully opening the shutters, raising the blinds, and pulling back the drapes so that sunshine reaches every corner of our County Government.
John R. Clickener
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