Only major items affecting open government and transparency are included in the lists below.
1. Continued to transparently serve the public, expand operating capabilities, and maintain the facility despite issues of funding responsibilities. The members of the authority openly discuss issues, invite public comments during many discussions, and demonstrate a strong commitment to public service.
2. Published Draft Minutes following Authority Meetings. This is a very unusual and highly meritorious decision. Draft minutes are not final and are subject to corrections and revisions; however their publication gives immediate access to the content of a meeting and the decisions which were made. Still pending in the implementation of a searchable archive of approved minutes and meeting agendas.
3. Provided Monthly Financial Reports to the Authority Members and to the Public.
4. Conducted open discussions of facility improvements and expansion of services that would increase utilization and move toward financial self sufficiency.
1. Expand detail and depth of the Airport Authority information, contacts, contracts, etc. posted on the Airport Web Site. ESO believes that present web site provides excellent facility information and serves to market to the aviation community. It is the logical place for the Airport Authority information to appear rater than on the County or Town web sites. Each of the local government sites should contain links to the Airport web site and to the Airport Authority pages within the Airport site.
2. Conduct Regular Surveys of Fuel Prices and Fees for Various Services at Surrounding Airports. Regular surveys are an essential tool to determine if we are competitive and to identifying opportunities for increased revenues.
3. Continue to Seek New Methods and Improve Existing Communications and the Web Site to Keep the Public Informed. Unlike Sunshine Review which evaluates the Board of Supervisors and the School Board, ESO is not aware of a similar independent nonpartisan state or national organization that reviews the governing practices or the transparency of Airport Authorities. We suggest that the Airport Authority consider the recommended best practices for the two types of boards as the model for their continued expansion of open government and transparency practices.
The foregoing "To Do List" was prepared solely by ESO and is does not represent all of the issues that the Aviation Authority and local governments must address. We recognize that there funding discussions are taking place and a resolution of responsibilities may be forthcoming. We ask the Airport Authority to continue to encourage individual creativity and initiative by its staff and by the aviators who are home based at the Airport. We believe that those who provide the services and utilize the Airport are the best sources for innovations, improved procedures, and ideas to increase efficiency.
John R. Clickener