Friday, January 18, 2013

Airport Authority – Accomplishments and “TO DO LIST”

   For both the review of accomplishments and the "TO DO LIST" the Airport Authority serves as a specialized functional governing body in behalf of Essex County and the Town of Tappahannock.


   Only major items affecting open government and transparency are included in the lists below.




1.  Continued to transparently serve the public, expand operating capabilities, and maintain the facility despite issues of funding responsibilities.  The members of the authority openly discuss issues, invite public comments during many discussions, and demonstrate a strong commitment to public service.


2.   Published Draft Minutes following Authority Meetings.  This is a very unusual and highly meritorious decision.  Draft minutes are not final and are subject to corrections and revisions; however their publication gives immediate access to the content of a meeting and the decisions which were made.  Still pending in the implementation of a searchable archive of approved minutes and meeting agendas.


3.  Provided Monthly Financial Reports to the Authority Members and to the Public.


4.  Conducted open discussions of facility improvements and expansion of services that would increase utilization and move toward financial self sufficiency.




1.  Expand detail and depth of the Airport Authority information, contacts, contracts, etc. posted on the Airport Web Site.  ESO believes that present web site provides excellent facility information and serves to market to the aviation community.  It is the logical place for the Airport Authority information to appear rater than on the County or Town web sites.  Each of the local government sites should contain links to the Airport web site and to the Airport Authority pages within the Airport site.


2.   Conduct Regular Surveys of Fuel Prices and Fees for Various Services at Surrounding Airports.  Regular surveys are an essential tool to determine if we are competitive and to identifying opportunities for increased revenues.


3.   Continue to Seek New Methods and Improve Existing Communications and the Web Site to Keep the Public Informed.  Unlike Sunshine Review which evaluates the Board of Supervisors and the School Board, ESO is not aware of a similar independent nonpartisan state or national organization that reviews the governing practices or the transparency of Airport Authorities.  We suggest that the Airport Authority consider the recommended best practices for the two types of boards as the model for their continued expansion of open government and transparency practices.


The foregoing "To Do List" was prepared solely by ESO and is does not represent all of the issues that the Aviation Authority and local governments must address.  We recognize that there funding discussions are taking place and a resolution of responsibilities may be forthcoming.  We ask the Airport Authority to continue to encourage individual creativity and initiative by its staff and by the aviators who are home based at the Airport.  We believe that those who provide the services and utilize the Airport are the best sources for innovations, improved procedures, and ideas to increase efficiency.


John R. Clickener


Thursday, January 17, 2013

School Board – Accomplishments and “TO DO LIST”

   For both the review of accomplishments and the "TO DO LIST" the School Board and the Essex County Public Schools are considered to be, respectively, the Legislative/Policy/Finance part and the Executive/Admin-istrative part of county education program. 

   Only major items affecting open government and transparency are included in the lists below.

1.  Employed Dr. Pope as acting Superintendent.  She is eminently qualified, is committed to and open and pragmatic Budget Development Process, and seeks an open dialogue with the various constituent groups.

2.   Developed and Deployed an excellent new Education Web Site.  There are still some information gaps to be filled but the greatly improved navigation, enhanced communication capability with the School Board Members, and accesses to more information are noteworthy.

3.  Provided regular comprehensive updates on the renovation/construction at Essex HS.  This major project was carefully coordinated to permit construction to proceed without any significant impact on instruction, activities, or athletic programs.  As of 1 January the project was in on schedule and within budget.

4.   Developed and posted the FY 2012 Budget Development Planning Calendar.  This is a major step in transparency for it permits public engagement in the development of a needs based budget.


1.  Have a review of the Essex Public Schools Web Site by Sunshine Review.  ESO believes that the Essex County improved site will be graded much higher than the D of early 2012.  We also believe that we will rank higher within peer systems in the surrounding counties.  Our ongoing analysis and comparative review identified that several sites of other School Systems have failed to update date maintain current information for public access. 

2.   Improve the Budget Process and Access to the Approved Budget.  A recent survey by the Virginia Coalition for Open Governments of county and town budgets identified 26 localities which received an "F" grade.  Essex and Middlesex Counties are the only nearby localities that did not provide adequate online access to their budget (and did not include sufficient information to understand the sources and specific uses of funds).  Please Note that the Grade was based on the County Budget; however, the Essex Public School Budget had no more clarity than the County Budget.

   There is essentially no cost to publish comprehensive online budget data which includes assumptions, rationale, and explanations of changes from the prior year.  Essex County School Board should ensure that the entire budget development process is open to the public and not just provided at a single public hearing before submitting the budget to the Board of Supervisors.

3.   Examine and make public the Purposes and Effectiveness of School Athletic Programs, Creative Arts, and the various Activities with the Essex System.  The conduct of some student athletes has been called into question.  Our High School Band, after an excellent Memorial Day public concert in 2012 seems to have disappeared.  ESO believes that athletics, fine arts, and other activities are essential elements of effective education programs and the development of capable and confident graduates.  Public Transparency (i.e. report the problems and solutions, celebrate and praise the successes) is essential to develop financial support, volunteers, and attendance at events.    

5.   Conduct a Wage and Benefits Survey of the Surrounding Counties.  A current survey is an essential tool in determining the fairness of local government employee compensation. 

6.   Publish Annual Turnover Statistics for positions within the System.  ESO published several years of data in 2012.  We believe that high turnover rates may be symptoms of poor leadership, inadequate compensation, poor discipline/working conditions, or weak selection and employment practices.  The Board of Supervisors should publish comparative date for Essex County Schools with and analysis of the turnover rate.  Comparison with the turnover rates with the School Systems of nearby counties would also be helpful to the public.

The foregoing "To Do List" was prepared solely by ESO and is does not represent all of the issues that the School Board and local government must address.  We recognize that there are a number of initiatives being developed within Essex County Public Schools.  We ask the School Board and the Superintendent to continue to encourage individual creativity and initiative.  We believe that our school system employees, our citizens who provide the essential education and support services, are the best sources for innovations, improved procedures, and greater efficiency.

John R. Clickener

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Board of Supervisors – Accomplishments and “TO DO LIST”

   For both the review of accomplishments and the "TO DO LIST" the Board of Supervisors and the Essex County Government are considered to be the Legislative/Policy/Finance part and the Executive/Administrative part of county government.  Some elements of county government are established by the Commonwealth and operate in direct support of Essex County.

   Only major items affecting open government and transparency are included in the lists below.

1.  Employed Bill Pennell as acting Essex County Administrator.  Mr. Pennell is a dedicated practitioner of open government and transparency.  He maintained an open door policy and was very quick in responding to requests for information that should be in the public domain.

2.   Actively and openly sought public opinion in the process of recruiting and selecting a new County Administrator.

3.  Completed, approved, and is publishing a new County Personnel Manual.  This essential document was long overdue.  It clarified authority, updated position descriptions, and ensured that personnel policy were brought into conformity with current federal and commonwealth laws.

4.  Work was started on the creation of a comprehensive Essex County Government Internet Site.  The original site (graded a D-) has received some updates but remains a work in process.  Several Departments within Essex County Government have independently established web sites to provide better service to our citizens.


1.  Review and format the Essex County Ordinances to comply with the standard Municipal Code format and place the Essex County Ordinances on the web site as a searchable database.  The only complete copy of the Code that I am aware of is a 5" by 7" binder in the County Administrator's Office.  Shouldn't our citizens have ready access to the county laws?  The Town of Tappahannock Laws are readily available (and searchable) on the town web site.

2.   Improve the Budget Process and Access to the Approved Budget.  A recent survey by the Virginia Coalition for Open Governments of county and town budgets identified 26 localities which received an "F" grade.  Essex and Middlesex Counties are the only nearby localities that did not provide adequate online access to their budget (and include sufficient information to understand the sources and specific uses of funds).  There is essentially no cost to publish comprehensive online budget data which includes assumptions, rationale, and explanations of changes from the prior year.  Essex County Government should ensure that the entire budget development process is open to the public and not provide a single public hearing before submitting the budget to the Board of Supervisors.

3.   Design and Establish a Comprehensive User Friendly Essex County Government Web Site.  See Accomplishment #4 above.  Much of the information published by ESO over the past 6+ months can be incorporated in the new web site (position descriptions, wage data, contracts, etc.) at no cost.

4.   Implement Evening Hours for All Regular Board of Supervisors Meetings. Many citizens are unable to attend daytime meetings.  Scheduling all regular meetings would allow citizens to attend and participate in the local government process.

5.   Conduct a Wage and Benefits Survey of the Surrounding Counties.  A current survey is an essential tool in determining the fairness of local government employee compensation.  Special attention should be given to the fairness and adequacy of law enforcement personnel and other first responders.

6.   Ensure that All Subdivisions are Afforded Equal Protection by County Ordinances.  The Board of Supervisors should ensure that persons living in subdivisions are made aware of the proper process to seek a public hearing.

The foregoing "To Do List" was prepared solely by ESO and is does not represent all of the issues that the Board and local government must address.  We recognize that there are a number of initiatives being developed by the various Departments within our County Government.  We ask our Board of Supervisors to continue to encourage individual creativity and initiative.  We believe that our county employees, the citizens who provide the essential government services, are the best sources for innovations, improved procedures, and greater efficiency.

John R. Clickener

Sunday, January 13, 2013

2012 Year in Review


   ESO first appeared on June 4, 2012 with a blog titled "Let's Get Started."  That simple beginning was followed by a number of blogs explaining the terms open government and transparency. Other blogs were detailed evaluations of the Essex County Board of Supervisors, County Government, the School Board, the Essex County Public Schools, and the Airport Authority.  Lastly, we frequently advocated for decisions and policies that would inform, engage. And benefit the citizens of Essex County/


   We pointed out, in several assessments. that Essex County Government performed poorly in both openness and transparency.  We relied upon independent nonpartisan national and commonwealth open government advocacy organization reviews to compare Essex County with surrounding counties.  Our County ranked last as of the spring of 2012!


   ESO participants conducted extensive research, interviewed citizens, and attended may meetings to develop an understanding of local governance.  We met with the County Administrators (David Whitlow and Bill Pennell), our Supervisors, the previous Superintendent (Dr. Melvin), and members of the School Board.  Lastly we testified at meetings and published articles addressing concerns and proposing methods that would benefit our county citizens with more open and transparent government.


   We at ESO appreciate the numerous positive changes made within the County Government and the School System.   It is our opinion that the governing bodies and the employees have made significant progress in opening the shutters, raising the blinds, and opening the drapes.  We appreciate your efforts and know that many additional open government and transparency initiatives are being designed and implemented.


   Over the next week we will publish blogs for each Board containing short lists of major accomplish-ments and "wish lists" for additional policies, practices, and actions.  We hope to have even more SUNSHINE and greater TRANSPARENCY. We hope that by the end of 2013 Essex County will be at the top of County Rankings rather than at the bottom as we were in the spring of 2012.


   To the Citizens of Essex County – ESO asks you to become involved in the process of governing our county and educating our children.  Our elected officials and Constitutional Officers, our appointed officers and officials, and the employees of the county government and school system need your active, engaged, and involved grass roots ideas and support.  Most importantly, ask questions and learn about the issues (read the Rappahannock Times, listen to WRAR, attend the Board of Supervisors and School Board Meetings, and Read EssexSunshine.Org), ask questions of the candidates, AND GO VOTE THIS NOVEMBER. 


John R. Clickener