ESO first appeared on June 4, 2012 with a blog titled "Let's Get Started." That simple beginning was followed by a number of blogs explaining the terms open government and transparency. Other blogs were detailed evaluations of the Essex County Board of Supervisors, County Government, the School Board, the Essex County Public Schools, and the Airport Authority. Lastly, we frequently advocated for decisions and policies that would inform, engage. And benefit the citizens of Essex County/
We pointed out, in several assessments. that Essex County Government performed poorly in both openness and transparency. We relied upon independent nonpartisan national and commonwealth open government advocacy organization reviews to compare Essex County with surrounding counties. Our County ranked last as of the spring of 2012!
ESO participants conducted extensive research, interviewed citizens, and attended may meetings to develop an understanding of local governance. We met with the County Administrators (David Whitlow and Bill Pennell), our Supervisors, the previous Superintendent (Dr. Melvin), and members of the School Board. Lastly we testified at meetings and published articles addressing concerns and proposing methods that would benefit our county citizens with more open and transparent government.
We at ESO appreciate the numerous positive changes made within the County Government and the School System. It is our opinion that the governing bodies and the employees have made significant progress in opening the shutters, raising the blinds, and opening the drapes. We appreciate your efforts and know that many additional open government and transparency initiatives are being designed and implemented.
Over the next week we will publish blogs for each Board containing short lists of major accomplish-ments and "wish lists" for additional policies, practices, and actions. We hope to have even more SUNSHINE and greater TRANSPARENCY. We hope that by the end of 2013 Essex County will be at the top of County Rankings rather than at the bottom as we were in the spring of 2012.
To the Citizens of Essex County – ESO asks you to become involved in the process of governing our county and educating our children. Our elected officials and Constitutional Officers, our appointed officers and officials, and the employees of the county government and school system need your active, engaged, and involved grass roots ideas and support. Most importantly, ask questions and learn about the issues (read the Rappahannock Times, listen to WRAR, attend the Board of Supervisors and School Board Meetings, and Read EssexSunshine.Org), ask questions of the candidates, AND GO VOTE THIS NOVEMBER.
John R. Clickener
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