Thursday, October 31, 2013


Essex Sunshine has be so focused on the local Board of Supervisors, School Board, and Interim Treasures election on Tuesday November 5th that I lost track of which candidates will run in future elections and what offices would appear on 2014 Ballot.


On October 29th we posted the blog piece "ELECTION QUESTIONNAIRE PUBLISHED."  In the last paragraph of the section titled "Next Election" we stated that the Constitutional Officers would be on the Ballot in November 2014.  That statement is NOT CORRECT.


In November 2014 all of the Constitutional Offices except the Clerk of the Court will be on the Ballot. That will also be a national midterm election and our US Representative seat for the 1st District and Senator Mark Warner's seat will also be on the ballot.  If the Constitutional Offices are contested, ESO will consider sponsoring a Candidate's Forum.


In November 2015 the Central and South District Board of Supervisor seats and the Central and South District School Board seats will be on the ballot.  ESO plans to sponsor a Candidate's Forum prior to the election.


We apologize for our error.  We have deleted the error in to our original 10/29 blog post in a manner that is fully transparent.  ESO always acknowledges our errors is a fully transparent manner.  No fictitious names or ghost articles and ad, no baseless accusations or claims, no personal attacks – just a consistent effort to present documented facts and illuminate the shadows.


John Clickener - Publisher

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Public Service Announcement/News Release

EssexSunshine.Org and the Rappahannock Times have jointly provided comprehensive coverage of the Candidates for Essex County Offices in the Tuesday, November 5th General Election. 

Complete copies of the Candidate's answers are available on-line at .


ESO has reviewed all the local candidates' campaign finance reports and found that all had complied with the filing dates.  It was noted that one candidate had a number of errors on the receipts and disbursements forms and that the in-kind contribution of campaign signs provided by the Republican Committee had not been reported.


We want to remind the public that they can still vote by absentee ballot at the General Registrar's Office thru Saturday November 2nd.  The Registrar is located at the old County Administrators Office on the corner of Queen St and Cross Street.


Please either vote absentee no later than Saturday or at your regular District Polling location on Tuesday, November 5th.  Your vote is important!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


This Election
Today, Tuesday 29 October, EssexSunshine.Org (ESO) is publishing both on line and in the Rappahannock Times the list of the candidates for Essex County elected office.  More importantly, the publication includes basic Candidate information and a questionnaire addressing some of the major policy issues which confront the Board of Supervisors, the Treasurer, and the School Board.
ESO sincerely hopes that the information provided by the candidates is helpful to the voters in selecting the candidates who they believe will serve the best interests of Essex County.  We appreciate the time and effort six of the candidates put into preparing their answers in their Questionnaires.  The answers were thoughtful and very clearly demonstrated that those candidates were interested in openness, transparency, and communicating with the citizens of Essex County.
Three of the candidates did not return surveys.  They missed an excellent opportunity to share their goals, governing philosophy, and vision for the future with the voters.  ESO is disappointed that they chose not to answer the questionnaires and thereby kept their candidacy in the shadows rather than campaigning in the Sunshine.
Please vote, either absentee thru this weekend or at your assigned District Polling location on Tuesday November 5th.  The polls will be open at 6:00 AM and will close at 7:00 PM.  NOTE:  If you are in line to vote when the polls close, you will be able to cast your vote!
Next Election
In many counties, cities, and towns the League of Woman Voters coordinates nonpartisan local Candidate Forums or Debates.  Since we don't have a League in Essex County, ESO had hoped to develop and sponsor a candidate's forum.  It would have provided the citizens of Essex County an opportunity to meet the candidates, listen to their policy and leadership plans, and to ask direct questions concerning their ideas for moving Essex County forward.  In early September, when it became obvious that the logistics, coordination, and publicity required significantly more time, we elected to use a simple elective office base questionnaire as a substitute for the preferred Public Forum.
ESO will begin planning after the general election after 5 November (PLEASE VOTE IN THIS ELECTION on NOV 5) for Candidate Forums during the 2015 General Election.  In 2015 all of the Constitutional Offices will be on the Ballot along with the Central and South District Board of Supervisor seats and the Central and South District School Board seats will be on the ballot.
Note:  The correction of errors immediately above is addressed in the ESO Bog Post dated 31 October above,  That Post also clarifies the offices which will appear on the ballots in Essex County for the November 2014 General Election.
John Clickener - Publisher

Friday, October 11, 2013


2013 Candidate Questionnaire
Candidate For Treasurer
Please complete and return this Questionnaire
not later than
noon on Saturday 19 June 2013.

Question1:  Have you served previously in an elected office?  YES or NO.
                        If YES, please describe the position titles of the Elected Office(s) you have held or now hold.

Question 2:  Have you filed Campaign Financial Reports?  YES or NO.
                        If so, have all donations, in-kind goods and services, and loans been reported?  YES or NO.  If NO, please explain in 50 words or less.
                        Have all your expenditures been reported?  YES or NO.  If NO please explain in 50 words or less.

Question 3: Have you publically or privately taken any oaths or pledged to support or take any specific actions, if you are elected, on any financial or policy issues that may come before the Board?  YES or NO.  If YES please explain each oath and/or pledge you have taken.

Question 4. Is the staffing of the Treasurer's Office adequate to serve the citizens of Essex County?  YES or NO.  Please explain your answer in 200 words or less.

Question 5.  Does the Treasurer's Office have sufficient space and equipment to operate efficiently?  YES OR NO to each part of the question.  Please explain your beliefs with a single answer of 200 words or less.

Question 6.  Most of the policies and procedures for the operation of the Treasurer's Office are governed by the Code of Virginia and Essex County Ordinances.  Are the any legislative issues which, in your opinion would enable your office to operate more efficiently or improve the quality of service to the citizens of Essex County?  YES or NO.  Please explain your answer in 150 words or less.

Question 7.  This is your opportunity as a candidate to tell the public why you believe you should be elected for the first time as Treasurer of Essex County.  You have a limit of 250 words to justify you candidacy and to convince the citizens' to vote for you.
John Clickener
Publisher, ESO


2013 Candidate Questionnaire
Candidates For the School Board in the
Northern District, Greater Tappahannock District, and At Large
(all Districts)
Please complete and return this Questionnaire to not later than
noon on Saturday 19 June 2013.
Question1:  Have you served in previous elected office?  YES or NO.
                        If YES, please describe the position titles of the Elected Office(s) you held or now hold.

Question 2:  Have you filed Campaign Financial Reports?  YES or NO.
                        If so, have all donations, in-kind goods and services, and loans been reported?  YES or NO.  If NO, please explain.
                        Have all expenditures been reported?  YES or NO.  If NO please explain in 50 words or less.

Question 3: Have you publically or privately taken any oaths or pledged to support or take any specific actions, if you are elected, on any financial or policy issues that may come before the Board?  YES or NO.  If YES please explain each oath and/or pledge you have taken.

Question 4. Do you believe that teacher turn-over is a problem that impairs the achievement of our students?  YES or NO.  Please explain your answer in 200 words or less.

Question 5.  Do you believe that Essex County Public Schools are adequately funded?  YES OR NO.  Please explain your belief in 200 words or less.

Question 6. What do you consider to be the three greatest challenges to improving the academic achievement of each student with Essex County Public Schools?
                        Please list, in your descending order of importance, and explain each challenge you identified and a summary of your proposed solution to that challenge in 120 words or less for each challenge.

Question 7. Do you consider the arts (music, drama, dance, poetry, and related activities such as debate, Odyssey of the Mind, etc.) to be necessary components of a comprehensive and challenging education program?  YES OR NO.  Please explain and justify your answer in 150 words or less.

Question 8.  Regardless of your answer to Question 7, will you support increased funding for the arts programs?  YES or NO.  Please explain your answer is 50 words or less.
Question 9.  Should more emphasis and resources (staff, equipment, and connectivity) be placed on technology and STEM curricula?  YES OR NO.  Explain your answer in 100 word or less.

Question 10.  This is your opportunity as a candidate to tell the public why you believe you should be reelected or elected for the first time to the Essex County School Board.  You MAY NOT ATTACK YOUR OPPONENT (if opposed).  You have a limit of 200 words to justify you candidacy and attempt to earn the readers' votes.

Open government and transparency are essential components of effective, efficient, and successful local government.  The information which you provided to our Essex County Voters by answering the questionnaire will help our citizens to decide who to vote for in the election on Tuesday November 5.
John Clickener
Publisher, ESO


2013 Candidate Questionnaire
Candidates For the Board of Supervisors
in the Northern District and Greater Tappahannock District
Please complete and return this Questionnaire to not later than
noon on Saturday 19 June 2013.

Question1:  Have you served in previous elected office?  YES or NO.
                        If YES, please describe the position titles of the Elected Office(s) you have held or now hold.

Question 2:  Have you filed Campaign Financial Reports?  YES or NO.
                        If so, have all donations, in-kind goods and services, and loans been reported?  YES or NO.  If NO, please explain in 50 words or less.
                        Have all your expenditures been reported?  YES or NO.  If NO please explain in 50 words or less.

Question 3: Have you publically or privately taken any oaths or pledged to support or take any specific actions, if you are elected, on any financial or policy issues that may come before the Board?  YES or NO.  If YES please explain each oath and/or pledge you have taken.

Question 4. The School Board is required by law to submit a "needs based annual budget."  The "needs based budget" does not automatically increase school funding.  However, it ensures that the public is well informed of the funding requirements believed to be necessary to provide a high quality education to our students, to comply with federal, state, and local, laws and regulations, and provide a safe school environment.  Do you believe that the Board of Supervisors should voluntarily adopt a needs based Essex Country Government Budget to improve openness, accountability, and transparency?  YES or NO.  Please explain your answer in 200 words or less.

Question 5.  Do you believe that Essex County has: 1) effectively used technology to increase efficiency and provide better service to our County Citizens and 2) has adequately invested in new technology and communications?  YES OR NO to each part of the question.  Please explain your beliefs with a single answer of 200 words or less.

Question 6. Should more emphasis and resources (staff and equipment) be placed on preventative maintenance and preservation of the Essex County owned real property and equipment?  YES OR NO.  Explain your answer in 150 words or less.

Question 7. What do you consider to be the three greatest challenges to improving economic development and community development of Essex County?
                       Please list, in your descending order of importance, and explain each challenge you identified and a summary of your proposed solution to that challenge in 120 words or less for each challenge.

Question 8. Do you consider funding for Public Safety (Fire Department, Sheriff's Department, and Emergency Medical Services) to be adequate?  YES OR NO.  Please explain and justify your answer in 150 words or less.

Question 9. Regardless of your answer to Question 7, do you believe that additional safety programs for our elderly and disabled citizens, such as TRIAD, should be implemented and the County Budget increased to provide those safety services?   YES or NO.  Please explain your answer is 50 words or less.

Question 10.  This is your opportunity as a candidate to tell the public why you believe you should be reelected or elected for the first time to the Essex County Board of Supervisors.  You are asked NOT ATTACK YOUR OPPONENT (if opposed).  You have a limit of 250 words to justify you candidacy and attempt to convince the citizens' to vote for you.

Open government and transparency are essential components of effective, efficient, and successful local government.  The information which you provided to our Essex County Voters in the questionnaire will help our citizens to decide who to vote for in the election on Tuesday November 5.
John Clickener
Publisher, ESO


The following Letter to the Editors appeared in the Rappahannock Times on Tuesday 8 October and in the Northern Neck News on Wednesday 9 October.

Letter to the Editor


No Candidates Forum



Rappahannock Times (and Northern Neck News):


ESO has been considering conducting a Candidates Forum to allow the public to listen to the candidates for local offices.  We felt, in the absence of a local League of Women Voters, who traditionally sponsor candidate events, a non-partisan organization should accept the responsibility of organizing and opportunity for the candidates to appear jointly before our Essex County Voters. 


The candidates would provide a detailed explanation of their concerns, their solutions to perceived problems, and initiatives and changes that they would introduce.  The Forum would also allow candidates to compare and contrast their platform with that of the other candidates for similar offices.  Additionally, the public would be able to submit questions for the candidates to answer.


Unfortunately we have concluded that there is insufficient time to obtain approval for an appropriate auditorium, obtain an objective and experienced moderator, and obtain and collate public questions from the public.  Therefore, EssexSunshine.Org will not host a Candidates Forum until the 2015 Local and State Wide Legislative Election.


For 2013 we will prepare and distribute a questionnaire to each of the Board of Supervisor Candidates, School Board Candidates, and the Candidate for Treasurer.  This will be e-mailed to each candidate by noon Friday, 11 October (with a certified mail backup) and will ask for a completed responses to be returned by e-mail no later than noon on Saturday, 19 October.  The Candidate Questionnaires will also be published and available to the public at by noon on 11 October.


Participation, or a failure to participate, will be reported in the local media during the week of 20 October.  The completed questionnaires will be published in an unedited format on the ESO web site.  We also hope to publish the responses in the local newspapers.


ESO believes that each citizen should be informed of all candidates' positions on budgets, ordinances, policies, staffing, and local economic and community development views.  Candidates can be held accountable if we citizens understand their positions prior to an election.  The candidates' responses will provide a sound basis for evaluating all successful candidate's performance and immediately identify any campaign statements, promises, and plans which not kept.


Most importantly, the candidates' responses to the questionnaires will help you select the candidate who you believe will best fulfill the duties of the office they seek.


However, none of the foregoing matters if YOUhaven't registered - - OR IF YOU FAIL TO VOTE!  Be a patriot and VOTE!


John R. Clickener
