2013 Candidate Questionnaire
Candidates For the School Board in the
Northern District, Greater Tappahannock District, and At Large
(all Districts)
Please complete and return this Questionnaire to essexcountysunshine@gmail.com not later than
noon on Saturday 19 June 2013.
Question1: Have you served in previous elected office? YES or NO.
If YES, please describe the position titles of the Elected Office(s) you held or now hold.
Question 2: Have you filed Campaign Financial Reports? YES or NO.
If so, have all donations, in-kind goods and services, and loans been reported? YES or NO. If NO, please explain.
Have all expenditures been reported? YES or NO. If NO please explain in 50 words or less.
Question 3: Have you publically or privately taken any oaths or pledged to support or take any specific actions, if you are elected, on any financial or policy issues that may come before the Board? YES or NO. If YES please explain each oath and/or pledge you have taken.
Question 4. Do you believe that teacher turn-over is a problem that impairs the achievement of our students? YES or NO. Please explain your answer in 200 words or less.
Question 5. Do you believe that Essex County Public Schools are adequately funded? YES OR NO. Please explain your belief in 200 words or less.
Question 6. What do you consider to be the three greatest challenges to improving the academic achievement of each student with Essex County Public Schools?
Please list, in your descending order of importance, and explain each challenge you identified and a summary of your proposed solution to that challenge in 120 words or less for each challenge.
Question 7. Do you consider the arts (music, drama, dance, poetry, and related activities such as debate, Odyssey of the Mind, etc.) to be necessary components of a comprehensive and challenging education program? YES OR NO. Please explain and justify your answer in 150 words or less.
Question 8. Regardless of your answer to Question 7, will you support increased funding for the arts programs? YES or NO. Please explain your answer is 50 words or less.
Question 9. Should more emphasis and resources (staff, equipment, and connectivity) be placed on technology and STEM curricula? YES OR NO. Explain your answer in 100 word or less.
Question 10. This is your opportunity as a candidate to tell the public why you believe you should be reelected or elected for the first time to the Essex County School Board. You MAY NOT ATTACK YOUR OPPONENT (if opposed). You have a limit of 200 words to justify you candidacy and attempt to earn the readers' votes.
Open government and transparency are essential components of effective, efficient, and successful local government. The information which you provided to our Essex County Voters by answering the questionnaire will help our citizens to decide who to vote for in the election on Tuesday November 5.
John Clickener
Publisher, ESO
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