For both the review of 2013 Accomplishments and the "2014 TO DO LIST" the Board of Supervisors and the Essex County Government are considered to be the Legislative/Policy/Finance part and the Executive/Administrative part of county government. Some elements of county government are established by the Commonwealth (Constitutional Officers) and operate in direct support of Essex County.
Only major items affecting open government, transparency and best practices in financial management are included in the lists below.
1. Employed Reese Peck as Essex County Administrator. Mr. Peck is a strong supporter of open government and transparency. He is accessible and has been very quick in responding to requests for information that should be in the public domain. He is working to ensure that all Departments are fully aware and trained to provide access to public records.
2. Recruited skilled professionals to fill key positions in Essex County Government.
a. An Information Systems Manger was hired after a thorough recruitment and interview process. Major improvements in information management systems have been initiated:
(a) A contract for a much improved County web site.
(b) Greater capacity for the current on-line functions for the Treasurer's Office and the Commissioner of Revenue's Office is being developed.
(c) Interdepartmental sharing of digital documents.
(d) Greater online access to records.
(e) Considerable savings will be realized thru reduced supply costs, reduced communication expenses, and improved staff efficiency.
b. An experienced Director of Administrative Services (Human Resources, Financial Management, etc.) was recruited and hired. This position will lead to significantly better internal controls, improved purchasing, establishment of proper classification of revenue and expenditures, the elimination reoccurrences of the lack of accountability and control over restricted accounts such as the "Drug Forfeiture Funds" which the Sheriff and the County Administrator resolved.
c. An experienced Facilities Manager was hired to ensure that the County's investment in facilities, improvements, grounds, and equipment was properly maintained. Much of the backlog of critical previously unidentified and critical deferred maintenance has been addressed within the current budget. Plans are being developed for a Comprehensive Scheduled Building Maintenance Program, a schedule for vehicle and equipment replacement which will support future budget planning and development, and a Preventative Maintenance Program for lighting, HVAC, plumbing, and other utility systems and services. Input from the county employees and the pubic regarding repairs and maintenance are encouraged.
3. Initiated conversion to a new Board of Supervisors (BOS) Meeting Agenda System. In conjunction with the School System the BOS will begin using Board Docs beginning in February 2014. Board Docs is an integrated digital meeting agenda, supporting document, and minutes system. The joint use of the system substantially reduces the direct cost/per meeting for the system. Board Docs will provide a major improvement in open government and transparency because all of the documents supporting each agenda item will be available to the public online prior to each BOS Meeting. Equally important will be the significant cost savings in clerical effort, copying and distribution costs, and in office supplies. A future benefit of electronic meetings systems will be the availability of the public to view online video of the meetings.
4. Work was begun to Review and format the Essex County Ordinances to comply with the standards of the Municipal Code. The Essex County Ordinances will be accessible on the county web site as a searchable database. The County Code will be available online as a searchable database in late 2014. In the interim, a complete copy of the Code is available in the office of the administrative assistant to the County Administrator.
5. Improve the Budget Process. The Budget Planning Calendar was published in December of 2013.
6. Committed to developing a comprehensive Economic Development Plan and provide organization and the resources to implement the Plan. The initial conversion of the Industrial Development Authority (IDA) into an Economic Development Authority (EDA) was initiated. The plan will emphasize the support and development of established local businesses in addition to the recruitment of new industries and services to locate in Essex County. The plan will also utilize the Chamber of Commerce, Main Street Program, RivahFest, local media, and other resources to promote the expansion of job creation and increased local income.
1. Further Improve the Budget Process and Access to the Approved Budget. A 2013 survey by the Virginia Coalition for Open Governments of county and town budgets identified 26 localities which received an "F" grade. Essex and Middlesex Counties are the only nearby localities that did not provide adequate online access to their budget (and include sufficient information to understand the sources and specific uses of funds). There is essentially no cost to publish comprehensive online budget data which includes assumptions, rationale, and explanations of changes from the prior year. Essex County Government should ensure that the entire budget development process is open to the public and not just hold a single public hearing immediately before submitting the budget to the Board of Supervisors.
2. Establish High Speed Internet Access in Essex County. Participate in the establishment of a regional initiative to provide local universal citizen access to digital communications. Provide funding to deploy the system. Continue to seek local super high speed access for business and government digital communications.
3. Implement Evening Hours for All Regular Board of Supervisors Meetings. Many citizens are unable to attend daytime meetings. Scheduling all regular meetings would allow citizens to attend and participate in the local government process.
4. Conduct a Wage and Benefits Survey of the Surrounding Counties. A current survey is an essential tool in determining the fairness of local government employee compensation. Special attention should be given to the fairness and adequacy of law enforcement personnel and other first responders.
5. Ensure that All Subdivisions are Afforded Equal Protection by County Ordinances. The Board of Supervisors should ensure that persons living in subdivisions are made fully aware of the proper process to seek a public hearing.
6. Provide funding and staffing to establish a TRIAD Program to benefit the citizens of Essex County, particularly the elderly. Nearby counties have established highly successful TRIAD programs. This community based program is lead and managed by volunteers with participation by local law enforcement. The main cost requirement would be to increase the dispatcher capability. In the opinion of ESO there is already a need for increased dispatch capacity.
7. Engage a new Outside Auditor for the County. Best practices and the County Policy Manual – Budgeting specify the periodic change of the Outside Auditor. Best practice is a three (3) year engagement. The Policy Manual specifies four (4) year limit. The current Outside Auditor has been engaged by Essex County for four (4) years.
The foregoing "To Do List" was prepared solely by ESO and does not represent all of the issues that the Board and local government must address. We recognize that there are a number of initiatives being developed by the various Departments within our County Government. We ask our Board of Supervisors to continue to encourage individual creativity and initiative. We believe that our county employees, the citizens who provide the essential government services, are the best sources for innovations, improved procedures, and greater efficiency.
John Clickener
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