Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Teacher and Staff Turnover Updated

The following Table updates the Essex Sunshine Report originally published on September 21, 2012 

The recent increase of interest in the operation of our Essex County Public Schools is most welcome.  ESO believes and has urged greater participation in the education of our children by parents (including grandparents and guardians) and by the citizens of Essex County whose taxes pay for the public schools.  
During the past 1 ½ years the School Board and the Superintendent have asked for the community to partner with the schools and to contact the Principals, the School Administration, and the Board Members.  Unfortunately, ESO believes that only a small percentage of parents regularly attend School Board Meetings, volunteer to assist in the classrooms, or participate in other ways.
It’s also the opinion of ESO that much of the recent interest has been misdirected that some “facts” have been misrepresented or omitted, and the focus has been on administrative issues rather than on the classroom education of our kids.
Getting and retaining well qualified teachers is largely a pay and satisfaction issue.  Disruptive students, Lack of necessary books, equipment, and materials, Absenteeism, and Bullying all affect teacher retention and the ability of our kids to concentrate on learning.  Some of the solutions require federal and state solutions with adequate funding.  Essex County has limited funds for all education and county essential services.
What ESO believes every parent, grandparent, relative, pastor, and community member can do to help our children achieve a better education:
1. Support and encouragement of all our school children by parents, grandparents, guardians, etc. is one critical of the most critical elements.  Reading to and with students from the age of 1 thru grade 3 is one of the most precious gifts a child can receive.  For all students from pre-K thru their Senior High School year, an adult/adults regularly talking about their school work and supervising homework will benefit each child.
2. Help our boys and girls be successful students and become strong capable adults by instilling an understanding to guiding principles of faith (the Ten Commandants or other faith foundations).
3. Encourage the development of self-discipline and respect for others.
4. Partner with ECPS by volunteering, by attending school events, by attending School Board Meetings and, MOST IMPORTANTLY, by encouraging every child to be an active learner.

John Clickener Publisher

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